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Satellite Projects

March 1995-2021

  1.  Prime to consultant and PMO of  Internet routing project via satellite (34mb/s).

  2. ï‚·Prime PMO Expansion Satellite Network Infrastructures and working with Satellite Fleet owner in USA, France, SES & Arabsat as VSAT &Int`L Voice services.

  3. ï‚·Prime Consultancy & PMO for  Expansions New Hub-Station Antenna Technologies & relevant Equipment’s at STC Sites.

  4. Prime Consultancy & PMO for ï‚·Installation of digital circuit’s multiplex equipment (DCME) project for Sudan, turkey, Syria & Lebanon type dx-5000.


Global Submarine cables Fields



  1. For SMW4 system Project 

  • ​Prime procurement Group –( PG ) PMO to provide consultancies and manage as PMO to  Upgrade the initial Capacities SMW-4 System that landing & cover south East Asia , middle east & west Europe ( from Singapore – France ) with following Responsibilities : 

  • Deal with 14 Delegates from Singapore until France whom invest in same System.

  • Consultant & coordination with SMW-4 system telecom operators for Request For proposal as Technical & Commercial Specifications.

  • Inviting Global Submarine Contractors & Suppliers.

  • Evaluate Global Submarine Contractors till  singing

  • the CIF between Operators and Suppliers .

  • PMO and  following the necessary Installing , testing , commission &

  • delivery of service with All Investors Cable Land Stations step by step

  • ï‚· Provide consultancies & PMO in Field Technical & Marine working group delegate in SMW-4 submarine cable global project that landing & cover south east Asia , middle east & west Europe ( from Singapore – France ) 


​2.EASSy link projec

Prime  Technical & Procurement working group in all East Africa​

3- Fiber optical for GCC (fog-2). : 


4- IMWE System Project : 

  • ï‚· Prime PMO & consultancey in  Assignment & Restoration Capacities working group delegate in Global Cable I-ME-WE Submarine project that landing & cover India , middle east

  • & west Europe ( from Mumbai – Marseille )

5-EIG System Project : 

  • ï‚· Prime consultancy & PMO  Assignment & Restoration Capacities working group delegate Europe – India gateway (EIG) submarine cable system global project that landing & cover from India until UK crossing Egypt.


International Point of Present ( PoP) in Arab & foreign Countries


1- Prime consultancy and PMO of Points of Present ( PoP ) routers projects  in Arab , foreign countries Installing & deploy Prime consultancy & PMO location and sites mainly as Qatar , UAE, Jordan ,Kuwait , India , Singapore , UK beside establish direct
SDH/MPLS links (e.g. STM-1/IP VPN ) to Links STC PoP s to STC Network Cloud via Submarine owned Facilities
within the targeted countries to Saudi Arabia and/or any other location to carry STC transit and roaming voice,
data traffic , services between regional/international operators.

2- Prime Consultancy , Project Manager Installing & deploy Points of Present ( PoP ) routers in Arab , foreign countries locations and sites mainly as Djibouti & Sudan beside
establish direct SDH/MPLS links (e.g. STM-1/IPVPN) to Links STC Pops to STC Network Cloud via SAS-1 & SAS-2 owned Facilities to carry STC transit and roaming voice,data traffic , services between regional/international operators.

3- Consultancy & PMO  for provisioning core SDH transport
network and other international partner’s networks.

4- Consultancy & PMO Implementing & provisioning VoIP, IP- transit, IP-VPN
services in targeted araba, foreign countries respective markets.


Multi-Protocol Label Switching ( MPLS / IP-VPN ) Fields

Prime Concultancy & PMO  for installing & provide international connectivity & enabling IP/MPLS core network to commissioning bilateral IP/MPLS services  through STC partnership ( AT&T ,USA operator ) , ( Verizon ,USA operator )
&( FT/orang ,France operator ) wide MPLS network clouded all over the world .


Vision via Internet ( Invision )

1- Prime Consultancy & PMO to created new Media subsidiary premises under Name (Integral Studio) located in Dubai Internet City For TV via Internet (Invision) service for STC Clients .
2-  Prime Consultancy  & Project Manager places the Agreements with Du Co, in UAE to provision the international connectivity links through mutual cross
border Optical Fibers as well as Submarine Fibers from Dubai till Invision Switch, Riyadh as provisioning, testing, deliver in service processes.

Technology Acquisition and Training

In the consulting industry, each situation is unique and requires a specific set of solutions. For this project, I helped my client define the ideal outcome for the situation, and through strategic planning we were able to achieve a great end result.

Business Meeting

Moon Tower , King Fahd Rd.
Middle Floor , P.O. Box:12215
Riyadh :12341 , Saudi Arabia

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